Nov 21, 2009

what do you know about Egypt ?

flag of Egypt consists of three equal sized horizontal stripes - the top stripe is red; the middle one white; and the bottom stripe is black. In the center of the Egyptian flag is an emblem of the eagle of Saladin. :
يتكون علم مصر من ثلاثة شرائط افقية متساوية ، الشريط العلوى احمر ، الشريط الاوسط ابيض ، والشريط السفلى أسود وفى وسط العلم المصرى نسر صلاح الدين

Egyptian Flag Meaning:
The colors of the Egyptian flag are traditional Pan-Arabic The red stripe refers to the period before the 1952 revolution ; which brought a group of army officers to power after deposing King Farouk, the King of

This period was characterized by the struggle against British occupation of the country, The white symbolizes the revolution which ended the monarchy but without bloodshed , The color black symbolizes the end of the oppression of the Egyptian people at the hands of the Monarchy and British colonialism

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